Business Running Made Easy
Leveraging on Business Automation Software, Website Solutions & Digital Marketing For Growth
Digitize your business today with the right software & solutions to increase efficiency, enhance accuracy & save time to grow your business.
Business Process Automation Solution
We provide consultation & implementation of utilization on business software as well as user training & customer support for SME/SMI businesses in Malaysia adapting digital transformation in business processing automation (BPA).

e-Invoicing Accounting Software
Simplify your e-Invoicing processes with hassle-free direct link to LHDN Myinvois portal- boost efficiency, enhance accuracy, and always compliance with LHDN regulations - all from a unified platform.

Point of Sales (POS) System for Retail/ F&B
A comprehensive & user-friendly e-Invoicing enabled POS software designed for Retail and F&B businesses to efficiently manage their point-of-sale operations, inventory, e-Invoicing requests & accounting purpose.

Offline/ Online Payment Solution
A simple easy-to-use & cost effective way to accept seamless payments offline/ online such as credit cards, debit cards, e-Wallet, QR Pay, Buy Now Pay Later & etc for better customer experience & business efficiency.

Microsoft Office 365 For Business Productivity
Bring your business ideas to life & share among departments & team members. Get an official software license that every business needs for Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook & etc.
Web Solutions & Digital Marketing
We provide full service online marketing solutions such as website design, managed web hosting, online advertising, digital marketing consultancy to SME/SMI businesses in Malaysia to focus on their business growth.

Effective SEO Website Design
Build an Effective SEO Website for your business online presence to raise brand awareness of your product or service & generating sales leads online consistently.

Managed Website Hosting
With our Managed Website Hosting service, all technical aspects of maintaining your business website online and email usage are driven by world class cloud server facilities.

Online Advertising
Need instant impact to increase revenue? Start PPC digital ads campaign with any budget & boost your brand, products or services to a targeted audience reach & maximize exposure.

Digital Marketing Consultancy
We will be your marketing partner to assist & guide you through comprehensive digital marketing strategy implementation & improvements to meet your business objectives.
Our Customers
Throughout the years we have been providing consultation & implementation on business software, web solutions and digital marketing services to both private corporate sectors, SME/SMI and government related agency organizations in Malaysia.